Thursday, August 5, 2010


It's 9:00 pm and we leave our house tomorrow morning at 9:00 am for our weekend getaway with our Sunday school class! I call it a weekend getaway because we won't have any kids with us!! However, I will miss them like crazy!!!
I have so much left to finish! I haven't started packing at all! 

My goal is to finish all of the laundry in our house and have it put up before we leave....duhduhduh.... I have two loads I haven't started yet, and I have been at it all day. I didn't think I had so much to do, but I decided that I need to strip all of the beds. put clean sheets on them, and wash the sheets that were currently on them. That added 3 more loads, and of course I did all of those first. So now, the stuff I need to be done hasn't been started :(

I did sell my iPhone today, and went and got a 3GS. Now I have put that up on Craigslist for more than my old one. Once I sell that, I may get a new iPhone 4. Haven't decided yet.

ADDISON STOOD UP BY HERSELF TODAY FOR 2 SECONDS!!!! NOT HOLDING ON TO ANYTHING. I got video of it, but my mom has our Flip, so I will have to wait to post video until we get back from our trip. Gregory is definitely getting into terrible twos. He loves to scream the word "no" to you at any chance he can get. 

Oh yeah... .We will be kayaking on this trip. Something I have never done before, and something I said I would never do. I feel I am coordinated, but I have no desire to flip over in the water and die. Please pray for me. I plan on not whining, but who knows, we'll see. And I won't be kayaking in the same kayak with someone. I will be in a kayak all by myself.

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